claims statements letters technology training company











About Our Company

ediLive! is a Texas Medical Systems company.

Texas Medical Systems provides software and hardware solutions and support to healthcare providers and to those who do billing for those providers.  We deliver software and hardware support for hundreds of healthcare providers in Texas and beyond. Providing premium quality service and support will continue to form the heart of our business plan as we build further partnerships to strengthen our local service and support team.  

ediLive!, America’s realtime data interchange, will revolutionize the way you work outstanding claims and collect your patient balances. The software allows you to zero in on denied claims, see current claim status in a matter of seconds, and it won't let anything fall through the cracks that will cost your practice money.

If you ask any one of our employee-owners, they’ll tell you Texas physicians are steadfast about a few simple concepts we have made central to who we are and how we work with physician practices; solutions must be simple to use and they must work without fail; support services must be readily available when questions do arise and that means local staffing; and when our medical practices call, they expect a real live person to answer the phone.

In that way, Texas physicians are no different than physicians in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Colorado, Michigan, Florida, or California. Medical practices all across the country share these same needs from their vendors and that’s why we keep Texas in our name to remind us where we come from as we service the needs of physicians around the country. Our service comes with a response time guarantee and live local training staff for the clinic to come to know and trust. Our service comes with a Texan’s independence and fierce commitment to excellence no matter where we service and support our clients.

At Texas Medical Systems, it is our daily mission to deliver national software products for physician practice management with a fierce commitment to local service and support, focusing on solid, stable, easy to use solutions that simply work.

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